Understanding the Pink Ladies: A scientific description of a group of misfits


I have a friend in Second Life (SL) whom I am very close to. He has been part of SL since its early days but took a break from it for four years. Recently, he returned after this hiatus. Throughout this entire time, I’ve known him, and even when he wasn’t active in SL, we kept in touch via Facebook and other means. When he decided to rejoin this peculiar virtual world, he quickly reached out to me, expressing his frustration.

His initial question was straightforward: “What the hell is wrong with people here?” He explained that he had explored various regions in SL to see what had changed since its early days. What struck him the most was the behavior and interactions among people. As a gay individual, he specifically visited “gay-friendly areas,” and he was taken aback by the attitudes displayed by some of the gay community members in Second Life.

Now, I acknowledge that similar dynamics likely exist in the “straight world,” but my personal experience is limited to what I’ve observed within SL.

My friend’s observations led him to a fascinating yet disturbing phenomenon that has persisted for years: certain individuals in SL who believe they are superior to others. These people fearlessly flaunt their perceived superiority to everyone around them. I’ve coined a term for them: “The Pink Ladies.” The name draws inspiration from the Pink Ladies in the movie “Grease".

I recall a beach region that operated for a while. Ownership changed hands periodically, and during the last owner’s tenure, the beach underwent a transformation. Initially, it was a place where people gathered to chat, hang out, and engage in various activities. However, over time, it evolved into a spot where some individuals stood still for hours, barely saying a word. Occasionally, they’d put on a dance animation and silently sway for extended periods. If someone greeted them with a simple “hi,” it felt like a special occasion if they said Hi back. If you weren’t in their inner crowd, you weren’t worth anything

Not all was like this, of course. Even in the deepest hole of shit, you can sometimes find a rock to stand on, but this particular ‘hangout place’ wasn’t for everyone. If you weren’t part of the group, you were ignored.
That’s where I coined the term ‘the Pink Ladies’ for these kinds of people. For some reason, they reminded me a lot of the ladies’ group in the musical Grease. The biggest difference, I suppose, is that the women in Grease actually are cool.

Since then, I’ve encountered members of the Pink Ladies here and there in Second Life. There are few things that captivate me more than just standing and observing them. Not even the best scenes in Planet Earth 2 can fascinate me as much as these ‘people’ do. They way they act, they way they talk (if they talk) and the way they ALWAYS make sure that they are standing on a place were everyone can see them, longing for them and wanting to be were they are. I will come back to just that later in this post.

My friend, who I started telling you about before, met some of these people when he came back to Second life and for him it was a depressing time. He tried over and over but had the bad luck to meet a bit to many Pink ladies in a short amount of time and if your not prepared on that, it can be devastated.

My friend started to ask me what was wrong with him. He told me that he never had met people, in RL or in SL, who have managed to make him feel so worthless as the pink ladies made him feel. He started to question himself and he started to think that coming back to Second Life was a mistake. After a while I decided to sit down with him and talk to him. I didn’t want my friend to feel like this of course and certainly not because of these creatures of another world.

I told him to start watching how they acted and above everything how much there were online.
My friend did this and returned to me and was chocked over his discoveries.

“This people never log out!”, he told me and then continued “And they never do anything else then standing on these places hour after hour”.
I nodded and smiled to him and filled in, “Well they do leave sometimes and that’s when they take home todays victim for some pixel sex”.
I then said to my friend, “So ask you this. Is this the kind of people you feel have the right to make you feel less worth then them? These people have absolute nothing except their little spots in SL were they can show their new clothes, their genitals and act like “I am the king of the world”
All of this helped my friend, and afterward, he just ignored them. I myself was happy for him, but at the same time, my fascination for these people grew, and I started to study them diligently. And now, my dear reader, it’s time to share what I’ve discovered, as my studies are complete. I have found that the best way to explain their lives, actions, and behavior is to create a little guide. So here we go!

 How to Be a Pink Lady and How to Act

Setting up your Pink Lady

The first thing to remember if you want to be a Pink Lady is that you have to see yourself as better than everyone else. Sure, you can sleep around with most people; in fact, I encourage you to do so if you truly want to master the Pink Magic. Because if you don’t, you won’t have anyone to talk down to later when you share with everyone how poorly he and he performed in bed. You see, making fun of the less worthy is very important for a Pink Lady

The second most important thing is your clothes. Shopping is crucial here. You don’t necessarily have to wear everything you buy, but you need to shop. The absolute key is to shop from stores where the creators of the clothes can be close to you. Whether you like the clothes or not doesn’t matter; this might give you a better chance to sometimes talk to the creator of the clothes and then casually add, ‘Yeah, I know him!’

 Another critical aspect related to your attire is the bulges. Normal bulges are not acceptable. Either have no bulge at all or choose the biggest bulge. For a Pink Lady, it’s essential to show off, and a bulge that pokes out at least 9 times longer than your nose is recommended.

 And of course, changing your overall look frequently is important. You don’t have to change everything, but small adjustments ensure you always appear fresh. Once you’ve fully developed into a Pink Lady, you’ll stand above everyone else, and the crowd needs new things to look at, adore, and dream of becoming.

Then we have the last thing, and this is also important: The Penis.
As a Pink Lady its important that you wear the latest penis released in Second life. It dosn't matter if you like it or not, just wear it!
It also needs to wave a lot and it need to be either small or very big. Something in between is out of the question! The reason for this is again because of the mob. They need to either dream that you’re a slutty little bottom or they need to lick their lips and fantasize about how wonderful it would be with their lips around your gigantic shaft.

The Social Skills of a Pink Lady

I have already mentioned some important aspects of how a Pink Lady behaves, and the most crucial point to remember is that a Pink Lady tends to look down on everyone. It’s essential to recognize that Pink Ladies often spend their time in Second Life as a way to escape from the real world. In their real lives (RL), they may feel quite lonely, dislike their job (if they have one), and have never had the opportunity to develop a social life beyond the virtual pixel world.
Pink Ladies often immerse themselves in the cartoon world, spending countless hours there. Unfortunately, this prolonged exposure can lead to a distorted self-perception. They start believing, “OMG! I am so cool here!” This self-perception makes them feel special and more important than others.
However, there’s a catch. Pink Ladies must quickly seek out other like-minded individuals within their pixelated realm. Being a lonely Pink Lady surrounded by people who don’t share their ideas can be devastating. It’s like a fish plucked from its natural lake habitat and tossed onto dry land. Slowly, they wither away, and witnessing this decline can be heart-wrenching.

To ensure you fully grasp these skill-rules, here’s a concise list:

Greeting Etiquette:

When someone approaches you happily and says “Hi!” with a smile, do not greet them back.
However, if the same person returns later without saying “Hi!”, you may then say hi but only after 30-45 minutes. Don't make it sound like your friendly! Make him feel "Oh I am not worthy!" when you say your "Hi"

Occasional Boldness:

At least once a week, consider standing naked. If that’s not your preference, at least reveal your genitals. The mob need to have something to dream about!

Teleporting Friends:

If you’re standing with a friend and they teleport another friend in and this friend isnt a Pink Lady, be sure to exhibit some rudeness. A simple “hello” is acceptable but wait at least 30 minutes and then try to say as little as possible to the friends friend. Remember that this person stands close to you, that should be enough for him.

Social Connections:

Maximize your social interactions by sleeping with as many other Pink Ladies as possible. This wont be any problem as Pink Lady has lots of cartoon sperm running in their animated balls. (btw about the balls: Make sure they move ALL the time when your nakked even if the rest of you stand still)

Remember that if you fall in love with someone, you also need to be prepared to become very needy, shy, and complain about everything related to your partner as soon as you have the chance. Additionally, you should sleep with others and don’t forget to share your experiences with your partner. As your partner he should be greatful that you share the wonders of being you with other people.
Keep in mind that you dont need to be happy if your partner sleeps around, on the other hand, they won’t have the opportunity to do so since you are online 24/7 and when your online he should of course be around you as you are the only thing that matters.
You don’t have to be in love of course to sleep with others. Nah, just fuck around as much as you want because you will need to have people to talk down and make fun of later. And again, dont worry that no other Pink Ladies will sleep with you because they will. A pink lady is not only Pink, he is also a slut.

When it comes to social connections, your profile is, of course, important. There is a significant difference between humans and Pink Ladies in this regard. A typical human write about themselves on their profile, sharing their interests and other details. However, a Pink Lady would never do that! Instead, they keep their profiles minimal. A simple line that doesn’t reveal much about them is sufficient—except for one thing: if they want to disclose that they have ADHD or other neuropsychiatric disabilities in real life.
For a Pink Lady, these disabilities become a scapegoat for various behaviors. Simply stating “I have ADHD” seems to grant them a green card to the world of “I can do what I want.”, because it’s hard to be upset with someone who has ADHD marked in their profile.
While some people might view this approach as wrong, a Pink Lady stands above conventional rules and moral norms

Now we have gone over the ground rules in how to become a Pink Lady. Its now time to look at something very very important in the world of these creatures:

The Level of the Pink Power

Perhaps you believe that once you’ve become a Pink Lady, everything becomes clear, and you’re good to go. Well, you couldn’t be more mistaken.

You see, being a Pink Lady grants you the advantage of looking down on others and treating them as you wish (some might call it being a total jerk, but don’t pay attention to those unkind individuals). From now on, you can position yourself somewhere and stand there for hours without moving or saying a word. Moreover, you’ll want to choose a spot where everyone can see you. Ideally, this location should be elevated above everyone else, allowing you to survey your domain while the crowd observes you clearly. Consider a rooftop, a large rock, or even a mountain. If none of those options are available, position yourself in the middle of the area as much as possible. Being seen is the sole objective here. Just as you see yourself as a god in Second Life, it is also important that your flock of sheep can see you.
But also remember that inside the world of the Pink Ladies there are some ground rules to remember and above everything else, the Level of Pink Power is something you can never forget.


Above, you see a small mountain. This mountain is currently situated in a very popular hangout spot in Second Life. It has been a favored location for quite some time, and in recent months, the Pink Ladies have discovered it. They have embraced this expansive beach with enthusiasm and declared it a ‘Pink Zone.’

Of course, it’s not the entire beach—initially, the Pink Ladies gathered around the beach before gradually moving closer to the mountain. Now, the mountain is more or less occupied exclusively by them.

As depicted in the picture, there are different levels on the mountain, which perfectly accommodate this group of individuals. On the first level, you’ll find those who have not been integrated; they remain in the exact same spot every day without moving. Some may exhibit slight changes in their standing poses, such as an arm moving back and forth or a subtle shift from left to right, but that’s about it.

You might assume that the top level is the most coveted spot, but that’s not the style of the Pink Ladies. The second level holds the most prestige—it’s the place for the truly cool individuals and those who have the most friends. In the Pink World, level 2 is the pinnacle of achievement.
You might ask, why is that?

Well, you see, the Pink Ladies consider themselves too refined to mingle with ordinary folks. They need an alternative way to express their desires, whether they’re in the mood for romance, feeling particularly horny, or just feeling extra cool. That’s where level 3 comes in. It serves as a platform for them to express these feelings.

So, don’t be surprised if you see a Pink Lady occasionally ascend to a higher level and take out his oversized penis. Thats a signal to other Pink Ladies or to the mob on the beach. The signal to the Pink Ladies is “Anyone want to fuck me?” and the signal to the mob is “Hey look here, have you ever seen something like this before? Yeah, I know its awesome”
Then when the Pink Lady has fulfilled his desires, he will return to the mountains level 2 and stand still for 4-7 hours.


I understand that all this information might be overwhelming, and you might feel apprehensive about it. Becoming a true Pink Lady is an art that takes years to master, and some may never succeed.However, let me tell you, if you feel that your real-life sucks, the Pink World might be a place for you. In this realm, you can forget all the things in real life that cause you distress. As a Pink Lady, you have the privilege to act like an ass, even if it means making others feel less welcome. You have the right to look down on others and make fun of them. You have the right to feel like the center of the universe and if someone gets angry at you, just ad “I have ADHD” on your profile or just become a victim. A Pink Ladys is ALWAYS the victim.

So let’s give a big cheer for Second Life’s absolute worst kind of people: those who see themselves as more valuable than others. Because without them, at least I would have so much less to laugh at within our pixelated world


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